Aftco Fish Tailer
The AFTCO Tailer helps you bring a boated
fish under control quickly and safely, is the ideal
way to control fish while you measure them for
legal size, and can be a big help in lifting fish as
heavy as 100 pounds into the boat. When used
on a fish that is to be released, the Tailer is
more effective than a lip gaff, and it minimizes
injury to the fish. Featuring a wide loop of
springy stainless steel aircraft cable, the Tailer
slips easily over the tail of your fish, and with a
quick upward pull, closes instantly and snugly.
With its tail out of the water, the fishs
movements are strictly limited, so it becomes
much easier to tag and release the fish, or to
lift it into the boat. A swivel built into the cable
allows you to better handle fish that roll and
twist, which sharks frequently do.
The AFTCO Tailer is four feet long with an
aluminum shaft anodized a rich gold for lasting
beauty and resistance to corrosion. Two soft
but rugged black grips are molded from the
same non-slip material found on fine rods. The
1/4-inch aircraft cable is also highly resistant to
corrosion, and the smaller cable, which actually
closes around the tail, is plastic coated to
protect the fish.